ALT Dispatch Companies

I recently received some questions from Z and thought the questions were pretty useful for people who may be wondering about the same things so, I’ve decided to post more about my application experience with the dispatch companies. Do check out their websites for more information.

In 2009, towards the end of my CELTA course, I applied to Borderlink and actually received a reply that asked me to send them proof of at least 12 years of education with English as the medium-of-instruction (MoI). And once I send that over, they would schedule an interview for me. At that time, I contacted the Ministry of Education (MOE) for a letter to prove that English is the MoI in Singapore but they replied that they do not issue such letters and the proof can be “obtained” via their website which says that all schools in Singapore are conducted with English as the MoI. I forwarded the email from the MOE to Borderlink and never heard from them again.

Cosmo Global Communications School
This was the company that very kindly accepted me last year after a round of interview for a period of around half a year. I had a great time working with the people there but unfortunately, I had to leave when my contract ended because the city I was teaching in gave the contract to another company for the new academic year.

ALTIA Central
Before the previous academic year ended, I got a chance to read up on ALTIA Central’s website and was really impressed with the level of ALT support they have. Further, I simply love the fact that they are “not in business just to teach English. [They] are involved with the development of children at all levels.” This got me wanting to work with this company with an amazing mission that resonated with what I believe. So, I applied to ALTIA Central, got an interview with a great guy who offered me a position to teach in Nagoya. I would’ve gone for it if I hadn’t got my current job with the Board of Education.

I hope this information is useful in whatever way it can be.


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