台風15号 (Typhoon Roke)

台風15号, otherwise known as Typhoon Roke hit Japan since yesterday and left me stranded in a city a little far from where I live. There was massive flooding in the Nagoya area and an accident with a train that resulted in both the 名鉄 (Meitetsu) and JR lines being unable to run.

Hotels around the area were fully booked because a lot of people were unable to return home and I very fortunately had a couple of offers to stay over for the night and I decided to put up at a friend’s whose apartment makes it a lot easier for me to head to work this morning. But in the morning, when I checked the internet and TV update, a 暴風警報 (storm warning) was issued which meant that school is cancelled. No work today! And with the double 三連休s and the typhoon today, I officially have only 2 days of work this week.

At approximately 1.45pm today, I decided to brave the storm to try to catch a train home. On the way to the station, my 7th umbrella, since coming to Japan last April, was torn apart by the typhoon like it was tofu.

The typhoon seems to be headed towards the 関東 (Kanto) region and there’s the possibility of it hitting land. People in Kanto, please be careful.

On a more random note, I’ve learnt that getting transparent umbrellas are very useful especially if you cycle because you can shelter yourself from the rain hitting from in front of you yet at the same time, be able to see the road ahead. Alright, gotta get my 8th umbrella some time soon.


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